Essenshell Essence
Issue 69 April 2019
News Letter
Queen Helmet Conch
Just when I wonder what more help and healing can we possibly need? I’m shown, yes, there is more!
This beautiful shell was sent to me by a friend in QLD, and it is HUGE! Almost too heavy to carry! Apparently it belonged to his deceased friend who was probably given it by a friend who used to treasure-hunt in the oceans. I’m very grateful to him for the trouble he took to pack and post it.
This Essence is for survival. For all those who fear what may occur,and where they and the planet may be headed, the Queen Helmet Conch says ‘fear not; survival of humanity is now certain; ‘you will not only survive but thrive!’
Know that when you doubt your survival, and negative actions may seem overwhelming, this essence reassures us that all is well. We are all heading out of darkness into light
Fear is always the ‘’bottom line’ of many of our unconscious beliefs, and this fear may arise from other more negative and difficult lives, or even early childhood experiences.
Fear can also be stimulated from the current specific planetary energies that were last evident during the world war, the depression and stock market crash!
We have probably had many very similar experiences in other times, although no longer consciously remembered, still held within our Akashic record in our DNA.
No wonder this essence has arrived to give us the feeling of certainty and security that no matter what negativity our ego-selves may be silently remembering and then expecting to experience, within us lies the path to survival and amazing growth.
When Queen Helmet Conch stimulates the belief and confidence in our survival we can step forward and begin to understand the amazing beings we actually are, and create the planet we were designed to create. Despite what difficult events may confront us, these may just be a necessary clearing of old negative beliefs and habits.

Queen Helmet Conch
Even when your world seems lost
And your ego-doubts arrive
Know with inner certainty
You’ll move forward and survive.
While survival is of course very important, it is only the ‘bottom rung’ of the ladder of creativity and wisdom. When we can put aside our fear that we may not survive, we can then step forward on our life journey, and begin – or continue, to play our part in creating a humanity of togetherness,love, kindness and compassion.
I am very blessed to be in a position to observe how so many people are confronting and overcoming problems, raising their vibration, and then sending their beautiful energy into the planet. I am full of admiration and gratitude for all the positive healing you have gifted everyone on our planet during these often difficult times. Please congratulate yourselves.
Kimberleigh Joblin’s Info. on current Astrology.
Modern life, and our alignment with our Higher Self’s purpose and intentions often clash. Many of us are too stressed by everyday living to even consider our highest intentions for this lifetime, and the probability that we’ll thrive. If we choose to slow down and reconsider, we may become aware of better aligned opportunities, and then we can move forward in a more meaningful way. (Planetary Retrograde Spray helps us to do this)
1. Uranus entering Taurus (This transit will last 7 years or so)
This could be an earth-shattering event. What you value most will probably change – but maybe for the better if you go with the flow. Prepare for the unexpected; meet the challenges; evolve and enjoy, or resist and perish!
2. Jupiter entering Sagittarius (until Dec. 2019)
It’s time to embrace Jupiter’s blessings –higher truth; justice; mercy; grace.
However we may find areas of conflict with family and friends, but we can also honour each others differing truths and co-exist happily; (depending on our personal planetary chart.)
3. Mercury Retrograde (Until about 19th April)
We can expect ‘stuff-ups’, especially anything to do with communication. It gives us a chance to re-do and re-think, and letting go of anything that no longer serves us, and to focus on meaningful spiritual connection instead of intellectual information. It helps develop discernment – follow your heart. Many thanks Kimberleigh for your wisdom
Queen Helmet Conch
When I had my first dose of this essence I got the impression of an almost instantaneous sense of clarity; a sense of powerful grounding and an embodied knowing, as though my neurosis and paranoia collapsed. It seemed as though the ‘garbage’ of accumulated junk of the day had been swept away, allowing for a deep connection to peace, and a natural sense of everything will be/is okay.
As the neurosis and paranoia – which keeps me tied to my conditioning and the wider collective insanity collapsed, there is at the same time an elevation of consciousness that is then able to see things from a broader perspective.
The reason this Essence feels so strong and powerful for me, is that it seems to ground that broader perspective almost immediately in the
present and embodied experience. Hence there is no sense of wanting to escape or run away. It’s almost as though it allows me to shift instantaneously to the eye of the storm.
A powerful stabilizing and balancing essence, allowing choice and a sense of being able to carve your own path through life regardless of what is going on around you. It has a sense of purity and innocence, which is not naïve, but a form of wisdom that is intoxicating……..it’s really hard to explain……a true sense of joyous potency in the present moment and potential in the future! Wonderful Essence; Great for people who may be struggling with doubt and paranoia… Marco Sydney
It’s so hard to find words to describe these latest essences, but Marco has described Queen Helmet Conch brilliantly!
Red English Channel Sea Urchin
When I started taking Red English Sea Urchin I was under bundles of stress selling my gear, packing essentials, restoring a caravan and preparing to take off on a fulltime road trip. I began having various flashbacks of situations that hadn’t been completely dealt with, but they started fading into the background. Then a customer contacted me and became very abusive, but the beautiful thing was that I responded in a calm and gentle manner, no frustration or anger.
It was such a great feeling watching myself not get caught up in her angst. Just brilliant!
Another fab Shell Essence. Panchali Vic
Planetary Retrograde Spray
For 8 years I have run a very successful Healing Business, but in November 2018 it all went downhill. Client numbers receded to the point where I was going to close. I tried everything and all sorts of drops. My wonderful sister-in-law and soul-sister had also started a business which was thriving. I became cranky and angry, negative and jealous; I knew it was wrong, but could not stop these feelings. I ordered Planetary Retrograde and had a balance from my sister-in-law.
When I sprayed this wonderful spray all around me there was instant relief from negative emotions, and I had a clear insight into what was wrong. I faced my problem head-on thank God, and thanks to this spray I was able to see clearly. I am now back to using the wonderful gift that I was given to heal people.
What I really want to say is that if you are feeling down and defeated, there is an answer; reach out, help is there. I have grown in leaps and bounds, and I thank God every day for the Planetary Retrograde and for Nancy.
If you are a healer or are soft and kind you will go through times of tribulation, but they are only short, and you learn and grow spiritually from them. Lyn QLD
Words of wisdom Lyn
Planetary Retrograde Spray
I used this mist during the last Mercury Retrograde last year; I found that the effects of the retrograde were dramatically reduced. I was able to clearly communicate which is something I do have trouble doing during retrograde, finding the right words was a wonderful side effect. I will definitely be using this mist during the retrograde season. Donna NSW
We’re into another Mercury Retrograde now Donna!
Travel Pack
I travelled overseas late 2018 and was thrilled to discover that the Travel Pack Essences were just amazing. I landed in Ireland feeling ready and bright and had a good night sleep. I woke feeling grounded and no signs of jetlag at all. The most noticeable part was the return from Portugal to Sydney – a long 34 hour flight which I normally have jetlag for up to 3 weeks after a long journey back. To my surprise I had virtually only a few days of what I call jetlag…it was barely noticeable.
Bless those dear little essences for their support – truly an amazing trio pack which I highly recommend.
I will be using them again in April when I head to Bali; even though not a long distance, its great to know I will return ready for work the next day feeling fresh, bright and awake! Thank you Nancy and the divine Shell Essences. Vicki Sydney.

Shell Essences
Newsletter 69 Specials
Expires 1st June 2019
These Specials prices are available from Shell Essences office and Website.
Special 1
Queen Helmet Conch
Stock & Spray.
This essence is proving very popular –
Read about it in this Newsletter
Special price $40
(Save $10.35)

with every order over
‘Essenshell Support
Dose Blend
Stimulates vital energy flow
Special 2:
Five Cool Corals & their Cards.
(with their cards)
Coral 1 Antennellopsis – Clear Thinking and Cognitive Function.
Coral 2 Asterospicularia – Re-establishes feelings of Safety and Protection.
Coral 6 Distichipora – Clears the ‘Blackboard of the Mind’ for those who take on too much.
Coral 14 Stylaster – Motivation, Energy and Zest for life.
Coral 15 Turbinara – Deep spiritual peace, peaceful sleep, releases tension.
Special price $94 (Save $20.25)

Special 3:
Three Sprays for Balance and Protection
Planetary Retrograde,
Queen Helmet Conch,
I Am Safe - All is Well
I really recommend these sprays to help us maintain balance and harmony in the current energy.
Special price $70.00
(save $12.50)
Special 4:
Face Balm & New Natural Lip Balm
Face Balm – all time favourite;
New Lip Balm – contains essences for Loving Communication
Special price $50 (Save $15.00)

Special 5:
250 ml Shower Gel &
125 ml Cleanser toner.
All time favourites. I would not want to be without these.
Special price $30 (Save $11.50)
Special 6.
Shell Essence Healing Cards and Booklet.
Now also contains the 16 new Coral Cards
as well as the first 40 Essence Cards, the 24 Infinite Energy Cards and instructions. There’s so much you can do with these cards both for yourself and as a practitioner. Also great for readings.
Special price $35 (Save $9.95)

Shell Essence Corals and Infinite Energy Essence Workshop
Will be held on Saturday 13th April at Jannali or Sutherland
Saturday 27th April Berkeley Vale, Central Coast.
Facilitator Nancy Parker. Limited spaces available.
Please contact us for details or try our EVENTS page