Essenshell Essence
Issue 70 June 2019
News Letter
Perfect Planetary Partnership spray
Because of all the unusual planetary energy that will be impacting us all for some time, I’ve created the Perfect Planetary Partnership spray to help us create balance and harmony during these times of great change.
I believe that many of us have been feeling a bit out of balance lately, and apparently some of this is due to large Solar Flares, and unusual planetary activity. I am not an astrologer, but when I notice many Shell Essence clients phoning me with very similar problems, I immediately suspect something ‘upstairs’ must be impacting us all! So I ask Kimberleigh Joblin, and yes! It usually is!
When the Shell Essences were first created, Spirit told us how important our planetary environment is. Apparently we are all connected by magnetic flows to the planets of our
universe, especially to the planetary signs of our birth.
A unique gift of the Shells is their ability to alter the impact of planetary magnetic flows on our energy bodies when this flow is detrimental to our health and happiness. The Shells remind our cellular memory how to juggle these magnetic flows with which we are surrounded, to create balance within the geometry of our mind, body and emotions.
The Shell Essences were designed to be able to help us connect to our appropriate planets in a way that would improve our balance, our health and our relationships. They especially create the appropriate balance within us between Mars and Venus, as more Venus energy is now flowing onto the planet to soften the previous warlike Martian energy.
Perfect Planetary Partnership Spray
What a relief! I immediately felt a huge amount of stress and tension collapse and drop away… muscles relaxed and felt as though they had begun to meld with the most beautiful energetic presence. It’s as though a thick honeyed light of joy, connection, contentment and peace had begun to pour over me. It was a sense that this is the joy and peace that is always around us & within us, but we deny for one reason or another…..
I have also noticed that when spraying prior to my meditation I have had a far deeper connection to my practice, which is underpinned with an ease and grace I have not yet experienced. As a result this unravels and flows through to inform the rest of my day. I have also noticed significant improvement in relating to people within my inner circle who I know to have Astrological aspects in conflict with mine. Again, very few buttons being pushed on either end it would seem……..very interesting!
I can’t help but be aware there is somewhat of an intense, strange and challenging bit of space weather we are experiencing at the moment, but my experience with this spray is that there is now also so much awe-inspiring energy and light available that I have not experienced before in my lifetime…
​If only we remembered to drop our B.S. and ‘look up’ to see and experience the bigger picture, we might be pleasantly shocked. I believe this latest Shell Essence Spray allows me to do just that. What a blessing! Marco NSW.
Perfect Planetary Partnership Spray
“I’ve just sprayed myself with the Perfect Planetary Partnership spray, and I instantly went from ‘down’ to ‘up’ again.
I had been feeling stuck and morose (reliving in my mind and thoughts the past failures, dooms, glooms, and despairs of those perceived hurts from having tried and failed on my chosen life-path, career and financial goals)
I fear that my ego-based fears have become larger than my current life and opportunities, and that the endless, unwanted feeling of going round and round in circles of ongoing futility prevails.
Then I spray myself, and presto! I’m confidently seeking out a mentoring program to help me get back on track. I am filled with courage to try again.
I find what appears to be a perfect mentoring/teaching package from the right mentor for me.
I commit to lifting myself and my game and learning how to be the person I want to be – my divine, fully integrated, higher truth, grace-filled human in operation self (warts and all!) – Uplifted, hopeful, and willing to try again.
I believe I’m finding my empowered me once more.
Thank you for the lovely blessings of the Shells.” Kimberleigh QLD
I Release and Transmute – with Shell Essence Queen Helmet Conch
“The feeling I had as soon as I began to take this essence was one of tremendous release. I had felt as if I was storing up a range of diverse emotions for some time, particularly as I recently had to walk away from a group of long-term friends with whom I could no longer safely communicate.
This deeply felt hurt had stored itself in my system, and in spite of the depth of my own learning I could not fully release the emotions. The hurt seemed to stretch back forever, and it came together with a feeling of deep hopelessness that I could ever return easily to my personal ascension path.
I began to take the Queen Helmet Conch to help me to heal. The feelings of resentment that I had harboured deep within my soul began to surface as I did. I was not even aware that
they were there until I began to clear the energetic imbalances from my system. As I progressed I was amazed at what came up, and I continued to release layer upon layer.
The process is still incomplete and I am still taking Queen Helmet Conch. I credit it with helping me to release old patterns that were holding me back.
I am now able to thank those whom I thought had hurt me – they had not – they had merely boosted me and facilitated my road of personal change.
For Queen Helmet Conch and all that happened I am most grateful.”
Dr. Cris Henderson, Rose Alchemist
No More Fear; Goniastrea Coral; Little Whelks
I have been taking a mixture of these three essences in stock strength because I’ve had to say goodbye to my son, and then prepare for a journey travelling solo in my caravan; So basically sadness and fear. The Essences have addressed this beautifully, and there was a surprise in the outcome.
I have Chronic Fatigue and normally can do very little before I’m exhausted. I’ve been taking the essences for 4 days and the last 2 days I’ve had so much energy, stamina and inspiration I’m shocked!
Before breakfast this morning I mowed lawns, cleaned the pool filter, and put a load of washing on the line. This is a very big deal when you have CFS! Love and Light Panchali.
Our Current Planetary Environment
The Earthy emphasis is quite tough for many of us, as Taurus – ruling our Second House of values, valuables and precious possessions has wild card Uranus doing his crazy changes, throwing the normally fixed, stable and steady Taurus zones into a spin!
If you feel off balance with your money, valuables, or value systems – blame Uranus!
The great change from the blue is upon us! Money laundering and dirty money is on the way out. New money and new value systems are coming in with a rush. Things are topsy-turvy for a while longer (7 years to be exact).
If you’re wondering what happened to your cash, plans, and investment goals and strategy – you are not alone! Our world monetary and trade systems are in upheaval. If you’re wondering what happened to good moral value and genuine support in our world – you’re not alone! And if you’re wondering what happened to your own personal value in the market place – you’re not alone!
Capricorn (our sense of ‘I’ve made it’, or our pinnacle) has the once in 240 year occurrence of the power player and deep transformation dwarf planet Pluto, and security and paranoia freak Saturn currently both retrograde connecting with the karmic South Node.
If you’ve been feeling shaken to your core, beaten, bruised and stuck in a despair filled repeat that you never wanted to happen again, it’s that fear-filled Saturn and the South Node activating your shadow side.
We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t want to see, and prefer to keep hidden. But if we confront our Shadow side and bring it into the open it becomes our Golden Shadow; we will get through this as transformative Pluto is here to turn our fear, pessimistic attitude, and paranoia into Enlightenment and it will be worth the pain in the not too distant future.
The Coral Essences help us release our Shadow Sides when we acknowledge them.
Become the observer; choose to take the Higher Road; change that which is within your current power to change; try a different approach; become more philosophical; shine your light anyway.
We will experience a Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in January 2020 – it’s the peak of the cycle.
Wonderful opportunity maker, and blessings bearer Jupiter enters Capricorn Oct/Nov 2019. He brings expansions and opportunities and new beginnings.
Keep the faith; set your intentions daily for your highest good and for your highest priorities.
Jupiter is coming Nov 2019 for a year to help your new structure bloom.
Shine your light radiantly again – you can do it! JUST BE YOU.
Kimberleigh Joblin
Astro-talk And your Astrology body
Personal Online and Skype Consultation available
Mobile Telephone 0468 411 283.
Shell Essences
Newsletter 70 Specials
Expires 1st August 2019
These Specials prices are available from Shell Essences office and Website.
with every order over
Dose Blend
Self- actualization catalyst for change
Special 1
Planetary Peace
Two Sprays .
to harmonise our Planetary energies.
Perfect Planetary Partnership & Planetary Retrograde.
Special price $45
(Save $10.)
Special 2:
Five Cool Corals & their Cards.
(with their cards)
Coral 1 Antennellopsis – Clear Thinking and Cognitive Function.
Coral 2 Asterospicularia – Re-establishes feelings of Safety and Protection.
Coral 6 Distichipora – Clears the ‘Blackboard of the Mind’ for those who take on too much.
Coral 14 Stylaster – Motivation, Energy and Zest for life.
Coral 15 Turbinara – Deep spiritual peace, peaceful sleep, releases tension.
Special price $94 (Save $20.25)
Special 3
The four ‘Winter Watchdogs
Four Dose Blends to protect from winter ‘nasties’
Essenshell Support,
Essenshell Boost,
‘I Breathe with Ease’,
Peaceful Sleep.
Special price $75 (Save 13.60)
Special 4:
Wound Healing Sequence or
42 Muscle Balance Kit.
Special price as usual $92.50 Save $19.50.
Probably our most popular products ever!
(If you’d like these as sprays for pets, same price, let us know)
Special 5
Healthy Hair and Body
Shower Gel 250ml; Shampoo 250ml; Conditioner 250ml.
All contain Shell Essences to release negative energies and radiation.
No nasty chemicals.
Do yourself a favour.
Special Price
$55 (Save $11)
Special 6
Nancy’s two channelled Books
Following the Light &
Arise and Shine
Spiritual lessons of Love, Self-Empowerment & Peace
Easy read, great gifts for all!
I’ve had wonderful feed-back; let me know if you’d like signed copies.
Special price $30.