News Letter
Essenshell Essence
When I was exploring the beautiful and amazing rock structures of Glasshouse Rocks on a South Coast beach in December, a small pink rock lying at the base of Wizard Rock caught my attention. Surprisingly I was given permission to take it home, which doesn’t usually happen!
This Essence was created at 9 AM on 15th Jan.2020. I sat on rocks surrounded by mangroves, their grey trunks forming beautiful patterns and their lovely green leaves reaching for the sky. It was low tide and there was absolute silence and stillness, not a breath of wind.
The rock asked to be called ‘Wisdom Rock’, and is a gift from Mother Earth for the children of humanity to discover their connection with the Love with which all is created.
Mother Earth has held this wisdom and knowledge within her memory until humanity is ready to use the wisdom for the advantage of all. It will increase our knowledge and expand our growth, acceptance and love of the oneness of all, the beautiful connection to the highest energies of which we are becoming aware. This connection will now grow and spread, showing how all living structures – nature, earth, rocks, fire, air, water and humanity are joined together within the spiraling circle of oneness for the greatest benefit of all life.
Much of the wisdom given to our ancient ancestors has been lost and disregarded during our many lifetimes on this planet, but Mother Earth has now allowed the wisdom held within this rock to be gifted to us once again as long as we are committed to accepting, honouring and developing it.
Thank you Mother Earth for your trust.
The Wisdom Rock helps us begin to lift the veil that has been hiding our abilities until we are ready to access this wisdom without the ego-learnt traits of fear, greed and separation which we are now noticing and learning to release.
When the veil has lifted – with our consent, we will begin to see whom we truly are – beautiful beings of power, faith, love, and with commitment to the growth of wisdom for all humanity on our planet.
Austral Chiton helped us to make the decision to move forward into the new, higher dimensional energy; Wisdom Rock helps us to connect to this wisdom now awaiting us.
Wisdom I bring, both ancient and new.
This Power, Love and Wisdom Dwells within you.
The veil is lifting; peace is in sight.
Honour that which you are,
A being of Light
Wisdom Rock
“I found Wisdom Rock to be a subtle and gentle Essence. It has helped me to rely and to trust more in my intuition. I am able to receive more universal guidance and inspiration through using this beautiful Essence.” Valerie
Wisdom Rock
The Wisdom Rock essence has certainly begun to lift the veil to show me the habits & unexpected thought patterns that are no longer helpful to my physical & emotional well-being. It’s time for me to let the beautiful Wisdom Rock help me dig deeper to uncover my hidden abilities to create more peaceful, nurturing solutions & responses to meet the life changes/challenges that the Universe is presenting now.
Thank you Wisdom Rock, Shells & Nancy. Gillean Qld
Shell Essence Information and Experiences
Wisdom Rock
“I have always known that I had some sort of connection to Sirius (Canus major and Canus Minor) – beautiful Blue Dog Star, and to the Pleiades (7 Sisters) and LeMUria but I never really knew why.
Using Wisdom Rock has allowed my hidden spiritual ambition and its mysteries to reveal more of itself to me. It feels so right.
I’ve started opening up to a new earthly journey of a more fortunate life I’m bringing through and grounding into my Earth Star Chakra for positive manifestation and relevant information from the Golden age of MU (Lemuria) and from the Pleiadian Star Sisters, and the Higher Self of Sirius that is helpful to me, and to others I’ll be sharing my wisdom with.
I’m developing Spiritual strength and resilience along with courage required to access my new life. I am more content; no longer feel I’m ‘too much’ or too ‘little’, I’m more fulfilled and actually more grounded.
Life is good.” Kimberleigh Joblin
Austral Chiton
“This gentle Essence helped my restoration – I had been feeling as if I had been on a rather long and quite unrelenting journey to which there seemed to be no end, and I guess in many ways I had. I had teetered on the edge of being absorbed and overtaken by the vagaries of the medical system.
This Essence helped me to stand my ground. The restorative action of Austral Chiton helped me to transmute that emotion of powerlessness in the face of the system very effectively.
The way is effortless, yet the journey to surrender into releasing all effort can be a tricky one – rocky too – and certainly full of surprises that might not be altogether welcome!
This Essence helps us to flow through all situations – no matter what they might be – presenting as it does quite natural solutions.
I called for a guide to take me further on this journey, and when I did my mind’s eye became filled with beautiful blue butterflies. Austral Chiton helped me to find them and then to communicate with them.
Austral Chiton together with the blue butterflies helped me to remember my own perfection; it helped me to do away with the judgement I had of myself; I felt a real sense of freedom begin to flow through my veins – I felt light and easy and my energy gentled itself and at last I found that I was able to relax.
Thank you Nancy for creating the beautiful Austral Chiton, Dr. Cris Henderson Rose Alchemist.
42 Muscle Balance
Just a note to let you know how well Mawson dog is doing with his daily 42 Muscle Balance Sprays.
Mawson is unable to take anything for his health due to his stomach. Since Nov/Dec he has been on a daily routine of Shell Essence sprays which are beautifully helping him with mobility and management of pain.
Each morning Mawson has his 42 Muscle Balance sprays on his back. Around Christmas time Shackleton cat decided that he wanted to be included as well – so each day Shackie lines up with Mawson for his 42 Muscle Balance Sprays on his back. This is unusual for Shackie as he is not fond of being sprayed.
Thank you Nancy from both Mawson and Shackie. Rhonda.

Shell Essences Donation
We have had a very unexpected and unprecedented start to 2020, with many bushfires still burning and people and animals suffering deeply.
Despite the hurt, horror, and fear experienced, this catastrophe is showing the compassion and caring being expressed by so many, and valuable lessons for the future are being learnt.
If you, or someone you know has been affected by the fires and is still suffering, I would love to donate Heaven Sent and Essenshell Courage to help with emotional healing.
Please email, or phone the office 02 95284106 Nancy
Shell and Coral Essences that work with the Current Astrology.
“I love the potential that the long awaited decade of the 2020s – 2030 brings to us! Sat 25 is the start of a new cycle – the Age of Aquarius – hope for peace, harmony and understanding.
We have the opportunity to recognize and let go of the lower energies of 3D that no longer serve us (unbalance ego/shadow) and to integrate the higher energies of 5D (accessing/connecting with our Higher Selves) which ushers in the long-awaited New World.
Each of the Planets in our Zodiac System (astrology) can represent lower vibration and ego (or shadow self) and higher potential (or Higher Self).
According to your individual nature you might express your shadow (ego) feeling stuck, disempowered, the negative side of your potential, or you could express/embody your grace-filled potential (Higher Self).
We have the unusual, unprecedented, once in over 500 year conjunction of 1/ Saturn and 2/ Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn. This ushers in a powerful potential New World Order or Higher Self potential, personal empowerment, self-respect, self-nurturing, tuning into your God within and shining your Light.
Plus Blessings and Protection Planet Jupiter entered Capricorn in Dec.2019 and will stay for one year, bringing solutions to our problems and helping to usher in the New World Order of higher energies and beneficial possibilities.
Enter the Shell and Coral Essences – wonderful Self-Healing tools.
In order to benefit from all the unprecedented planetary line-ups and challenges we will need to address our Shadow-Ego/Egocentric natures.
This is why I always use a Corals (Shadow Healers) with Shell Essences for my Medical Astrology, Psyche and Naturopathy work.
I choose to use:
First - Coral No 10 Pachyclavularia
This Essence helps address an ego block/shadow side, preferring to stay in victim mode – fear (Saturn); Self-doubt (Mercury) poor me thoughts of unworthiness; lack of focus on inner-child from mother (Cancer) or father (Capricorn/authority). Therefore can’t enjoy the pleasures of life.
Second - Angelic Guidance Essences for Positive change.
1. Jackknife Clam; Positive adjustment, removal of old negative energies.
2. Shinbone Tibia; leaving behind that which is not for your highest good.
3. White False Oyster; feeling grounded and centered through the changes. 4. Red English Sea Urchin; compassion and positive desires without struggle. 5. Noble Volute; peace and harmony with all of creation, moving towards 5D.
You might also like to add Seahorse Spray (Neptune, Pisces), and Austral Chiton - magnetises your Highest Self.”
Kimberleigh Joblin Naturopath, Medical Astrologer.
Kimberleigh gave me a lot more information about the current astrology, but I couldn’t fit it all into the newsletter!!
Shell Essences are a divine reassessment of an inner longing to realign yourselves with your true identity; something you feel you have forgotten during your human lives.
Shell Essences fulfill your need to recreate your ultimate, true, inner and outer selves. They do this by activating your inner memory of that which you have forgotten – whom and what you truly are.
Within the core, or center of your being is encased this knowledge of both your physical human lives and your ‘eternal oneness’.
Each Essence helps you to experience a different ‘note’ in your ‘vibrational orchestra’ which may have been ‘out of tune’ but can now be ‘retuned’. When the ‘note’ becomes ‘in tune’ you will know; it now feels ‘right’.

Shell Essences
Newsletter 74 Specials
Expires 1st March 2020
These Specials prices are available from Shell Essences office and Website.
with every order over
Dosage Essenshell Trust and Faith – Just what we need to help us assimilate the new energy and wisdom.
Special 6. ​
I Will Cope - four Dosage Essences No More Fear; Essenshell Courage; Trust and Faith; Self Empowerment.
These 4 essences taken in any order,
will return our faith that no matter what we feel may be confronting us, we will survive and thrive.
A wonderful gift for anyone going through a difficult time.
Special Price $60 (Save $23.00)