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Essenshells Newsletter 

Issue 76 May 2020

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Powerful Peaceful Protection


You may wonder why you’re getting another Shell Essence Newsletter so soon after the Heaven Sent one – which was very popular!

Well, there is a new spray (and stock) that I made to target the virus that is impacting our lives in many different ways.

I had intended this new spray ‘Powerful Peaceful Protection’ to enhance the energy of our immune systems, but it seems to be helping people in many different ways. The Shell Essences always go to where they are needed, and this one is certainly doing that!!

‘Powerful Peaceful Protection’ will help people to focus on their positive health and release any detrimental, negative fearful emotions. As you know it is usually fear that helps the virus attach to human cells. It will help people to negate any possible infections, or fear of infections and it will proceed to work within their mind and emotional body to prevent any unwanted virus from attaching.

Although you made the spray with the virus in mind, there is still a lot of positive action this spray can take when the virus eventually disappears from view, and from thought. It will help you attach messages of courage and resilience to the cells of your body instead of fear and self-doubt.

It is a valuable spray for everyone, especially at present.”

Many people are going through a very difficult time of change, predicted by the Shell Essences when we first started making the essences. They mentioned “Difficult times ahead” and “Planetary change” both of which seemed to make very little sense at the time……but not now! 

So all the Essences are designed to provide the assistance needed as we reach this turning point.

The previous essence spray called ‘Protection’ protects against other people’s negative energies and also protects against radiation, which is apparently impacting us more than previously. So ‘Protection’ is a combination of a stronger Just me Plus and a stronger HIR Aura mist. I woke in the middle of the night a few weeks ago, and was told that we needed stronger protection than previously, so this is when I made ‘Protection’.

Powerful Peaceful Protection


“I sprayed Powerful Peaceful Protection as soon as I received it and it had immediate effects. My eyes became blurry with ‘sleep’, but then it all came out, and I realized it was connected to my immune system sight connected to my soul’s past-life cellular memory. It was all about clearing out all the gunk from past unconscious planetary memories. It is about seeing things from the future of the planet – ‘New Planetary Awakening’.

This spray will be used to help with Change related to fear, doom and uncertainty with unusual weather disasters, disturbed planetary change like Covid-19.

It’s a brilliant spray as it will allow people to release and let go of these memories and build faith and trust in a new world of planetary awakening in our soul (which is the human immune system) especially about the virus and its role for us all and the planet. A new reality of memories experiencing Spirit Ancestors will emerge – those who knew how to develop sacred values with the land, developing human awakening and building the skills and resilience of our next phase of evolution.

There is a real gift in this spray.”                                                                       Belinda  NSW

Perfect Planetary Protection stock


“These drops were working through my immune support for deficiencies I suffered from a hip injury which caused arthritis, by maintaining stability and support from the negative radioactive energies of fear – conscious responses from human’s active cellular memory in a time of crisis. It helps us align with earth’s vertical axis grid quickly, harmonizing the heart energy in order to trust and have faith in Oneness.

This essence works a little differently to the spray as it supports and aligns the person’s skeletal structure density to the earth’s true resonance of the vertical axis. It has incredible ability to shift people into the new realm of consciousness safely and peacefully without trauma.”                       Belinda

Angelic Guidance for Change


“Recently I sensed the Angelic Guidance for Change was the Shell Essence Kit I required at the time. Since taking these 5 essences along with saying the included affirmation three or six times (whatever I feel intuitively) I have observed I am definitely more grounded, getting things done and feeling positive about life. After saying the affirmation aloud and taking the essences in their order I do notice I am releasing negativity (my way of releasing is yawning!) I do love taking this Angelic Guidance Kit;


I know I was guided to it.”               Margaret QLD

Following the Light


“We know that Spirit has chosen us to be here at this time to bring about rapid changes. The earth is tired of our antics and has found a way to fight back in one foul swoop rather than isolating separate areas. Many may be fearful and anxious about the changes taking place, but all will be revealed to us who are listening. We can then see the virus as a blessing rather than a curse on humanity.

Frequently I turn to your wonderful book ‘Following the Light’ for daily guidance; sometimes finding myself reading the same issue many times a month indicating that I still need to work on that aspect of my life.


Thank you for the joy and spiritual wisdom you bring to many”.                              Carole  VIC

Arise and Shine


It is such an easy read; I have read it now cover to cover and it’s not only inspiring, but touches on so many events that we all would encounter in our daily lives. I found this was great, as the words didn’t sugar-coat events we might experience, but gave valuable strategies on how to move through and work without effort through any of our obstacles.

The added bonus is that there are amazing and beautiful poems beginning each chapter.

I love this book so much and can’t wait to share it with my friends.                               Renie VIC.

Shell Essences


“Any spray I’ve used over the last 20+ years has worked for me, as have the essences. I intuitively choose what I need to support me. I don’t use them all the time, but I can tell you they are 100% when I do.”                                         Jessinka

I Am


This method of using ‘I Am’ is a little different from the usual use of Essences.

Instead of relying on the Essence for healing, you are asking it to help you gain awareness of your own healing ability.


30 ml Spray &
Affirmation Card  $12

We do not really understand our own wisdom and abilities that have lain dormant within us for so long! So we are using ‘I Am’ to connect to these amazing abilities that we can now start to use with awareness and trust.

Method: Hold ‘I Am’ to the Heart Chakra and say the following affirmation:

I am that I am, Eternal, Immortal, Universal and Infinite, and what I am has beauty and power.

Now visualize any personal goal you wish to create, and then spray ‘I Am’ lightly over Heart and Crown Chakras, and give thanks for the achievement. Then repeat the affirmation.

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WE LOVE you too
Isabella and Alex ♡

How we can understand and use the current Astrology
for our benefit.             By Kimberleigh Joblin.


As of Thursday 30/4/2020 transiting (Madcap Wildcard Planet) Uranus conjuncts (holds hands with) the transiting sun in the Zodiac sign of Taurus.

Expect some wild weather including storms and lightning strikes (Uranus) with probable unexpected turning points (U-turns) affecting your personal and our world economy, farming, food stock, markets and shares etc.

It’s a wonderful time for personal quiet time; to consider what is truly valuable to you and your family, and to consider if you too are about to undertake your own personal U-turn in what is now of value to you.

I feel we all need space to adjust to circumstances over which we personally have little control, as we are also due a conjunction of fleet-footed and mercurial Mercury the merchant, and the sun in Taurus at this time.

Mercury highlights: Communications; Fast travel; Post etc; and the act of doing business.

How we do business is due for some change; have you noticed how we now communicate and transact via online shopping more and more these days?

We are all using Digital Currency as a matter of course; - not so much cash these days!

I find Shell Essences helpful during times when life is constantly changing and I’m not sure of my footage or direction.

When I need the support of my spiritual foundations and re-inforcement of the knowing (Uranus) that I am strong enough to attract positive alternatives to keep me unwavering in the face of challenges, I intuit what I might use from my Shell Essence collection.

I love Queen Helmet Conch – for not only surviving but actually thriving.

(This beautiful huge shell was sent to us by Kimberleigh’s father!)

Angelic Guidance for Positive Change is a wonderful set of 5 Shell Essences to assist with positive new direction with the help of my Shell Angels.

The Turning Point Kit of 5 Shell Essences assists those who feel ready to positively pivot (Uranus U‑Turn) their lives in times of turmoil.                                                                                                                                                                                 Kimberleigh.


When the Shell Essences first arrived they said that we are all connected by magnetic cords to the planets of our solar system, and the Essences would help us to find our correct personal attachments.

These Specials prices are available from Shell Essences office and Website

Shell Essences

Newsletter 76 Specials

 Expires 1st June 2020

Free gift:


Small 30ml Heaven Sent Spray – This small Spray can be a vital addition in everyone’s bag or pocket.


Special 1. 


Powerful Peaceful Protection
125ml Spray and 25ml Stock

Something I believe everyone needs at present. Spray yourselves, your family, work and living areas.

Special price $40

(Save $5. 70)

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(The very popular Heaven Sent Spray and Stock special from the previous newsletter is still available for $35.)



Special 2.  


Angelic Guidance for Change.


5 stock Infinite Energy Essences with instructions.

This Essence Kit has been so popular and is so applicable at present we’ve decided to continue it.

Special price $95

(Save $19.25)


Special 3. 


The Turning Point Essences

5 Stock Infinite Energy Essences

with Instructions

Special price $95

(Save $19.25)


The ‘Turning Point’ is where we are all at today! Hopefully these essences, taken in sequence will help us to move peacefully into the high dimensional energies now flowing through our planet.

Special 4. 

Accessing my positive abilities.

Four 30ml wonderful little sprays to protect and help us access our courage, stability, love and compassion through difficult times of change.

‘Powerful Peaceful Protection’; ‘I am safe, all is well’; ‘Essenshell Courage’; ‘Love, peace and compassion’.

Special price $35 (Save $5.00)

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Special 6.

Set of Nancy’s 2 Channelled Spiritual

Self-Help Books:

‘Following the Light’ & ‘Arise and Shine’


Special price $30.(Save $10)

Easy read, Inspiring, very popular;
only available through Shell Essences.


Special 5.


Two 125ml sprays


Calm, Confident, Fearless Home

‘Cool, Calm and Connected’, ‘No More Fear’:

To create a confident, fearless and peaceful home/work environment.  


Special Price $45

(Save $10.)

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