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Christmas LOVE to YOU

Writer's picture: Nancy ParkerNancy Parker

Our last Blog of this year sends special messages of LOVE from all of us here at Shell Essences to all of you around the world. Nancy wrote this poem for all of you - Lots of Aussie flair and FUN. Till we join up again in 2018 many blessings and LOVE from our hearts to yours 💛🐚🎄 THANK YOU FOR BEING IN OUR LIVES

Aussie Christmas.

In a billabong far from the reaches of time

A bunyip lay snoozing, wrapped softly in slime

Till woken by frogs (who should have known better)

Croaking “a crocodile’s come with a letter;

There’s a piece of old reindeer hide clamped in its jaws

That’s covered with scribble and signed by ‘S. Claus’”

The bunyip sat up and rubbed ooze from his eyes,

He extracted the reindeer hide, brushed off the flies.

Turned it over and over to find where it started,

Then gobbled the frogs while the wise croc departed.

“Dear cousin, Dear Bunyip, Dear Friend”, it began

Uh oh, thought the bunyip; old Claus has some plan!

“Remember we met at a party last year?

I was the one in the red and white gear”

That’s right, groaned the bunyip – all ho, ho and merry!

Old sheepskin beard and nose like a cherry.

“I am hoping” wrote Clause, “you can see your way clear

To lending your able assistance this year.

There’s a job I must do that I usually enjoy,

Delivering gifts to each girl and boy.

In most of the world I have coped very well,

But the heat and the flies in your land give me hell!

The reindeer and striking, they say that they hate it;

There’s one fewer than last year, (I think something ate it.)

So be a good fellow and lend me a hand,

You know you did promise!” “I did? I’ll be damned”

Thought the bunyip, unmoved by the plea.

“twas the drink that was speaking, it sure wasn’t me!

Then a dreadful thought struck him. He gave a great sob.

What if, just suppose Santa bungled the job!

They would want to replace him; to whom would they look?

He grabbed a dry frogskin with fingers that shook.

“Dear Cousin, Dear Santa” he wrote. “Never fear.

I’ll deliver your Australian presents this year.

It’s a great job you do; don’t think to retire!”

And signed it ‘Your friend, B Bunyip esquire’.

So if you see Santa Claus in the shops or the street

And his boots seem a wee bit too small for his feet;

If he wears a false beard tied on with elastic,

And his shape seems to be a little fantastic,

Just smile, so he won’t know that you’ve realized

He’s not Santa at all, but the bunyip disguised.

© Nancy Parker

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