Many people today are concerned about possible job loss and therefore loss of financial security. This can be a constant conscious or even unconscious worry. “What if I lose my job?” “Will I find another job?” “How will I cope?”

We need to understand that this underlying fear and lack of faith is the bullet in the gun that we believe is pointed towards us.
If we have a positive attitude and faith and trust in ourselves and in our spiritual helpers to always keep us safe, then success will be the outcome.
So often we forget that we are creating our lives, and our faith or our fears are the tools with which we build or destroy.
When we have trust and a positive attitude, then even if we lose our job, we know there is a better one waiting for us. But when we are driven by unconscious fears from times long past, or from negative family beliefs, then these fears will materialize.
We live in very fortunate times compared to the past, and there are many areas of productive work bringing financial returns once we turn our backs on fears of lack and loss, and decide to create a future of happiness, success, contentment, and with the knowledge that all will unfold for our highest benefit.

Simple and effective affirmations created by the amazing Florence Scovel Shinn are:
“I have wonderful work in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for wonderful pay”.
“There are no lost opportunities; as one door shuts another door opens. Endless good now comes to me in endless ways”.