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Writer: Nancy ParkerNancy Parker

The message today is about ‘Belonging’. I have previously written about our ‘Need to Belong’, but today I want to empathize that we already ‘Belong’. We know we belong to the human family – no matter how different we may look, or the different countries we may reside in.

But, the ‘Belonging’ I am focusing on today is the belonging to our ‘Higher Self’ – the part of God that resides in each of us, and also belonging to our ‘Akash’, which is contained within our DNA, and is a quantum energy that contains information about all our previous, and present life experiences and lessons, and is individual to each person. Our Akash is just waiting for us to request an opening to the wisdom and knowledge we have already learned.

So, this ‘belonging’ to our Inner Energy, Soul, Higher Self, is part of all Spirituality, and helps us to create mastery in our current lives.

Although we might believe more strongly in separation, and think that we are separate from everything else on this planet, we are actually all connected with the flow of energy that connects us to the Crystaline Grid which surrounds our planet, and which we are all connecting to by our thoughts and actions.

We belong not only to our Human Family, but also to our Spiritual Family of ‘Guides’ and ‘Angels’, who hold our hands, and wish to let us know that we belong with them; they are always with us, and are delighted to help us if we ask for their assistance.

So, the knowledge and feeling of ‘Belonging’ moves lovingly in all directions, from the cells in our physical bodies, our Akash, our Human Family, our Higher Self, Eternal Soul, our Spiritual Family of Guides and Angels, and also to the planets of our Solar System to which we are all connected.

We all belong and are part of the Spiritual Energy of Love, Peace, and Compassion to which, by choice, we are all connected.

The Shell Essences that may help us connect to ‘Belonging’ are:

Wonder Cowrie - Restores feeling of closeness and connection when there is a perception of isolation, separation, and disconnection from Spirit, and Family.

Stromatolite - Helps regain forgotten wisdom, and stimulates new wisdom and understanding.

Noble Volute - Provides deep peace, love, and harmonious connection with all of creation.

Red English Sea Urchin - heart-centered love, compassion, understanding the Oneness of all.

Lots of love from Nancy and the Team at Shell Essences xoxo


1 則留言

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart
Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Dear Nancy ..... THANK you so much for your messages and Shell energy sharings. I have been out of the loop for a while and I am so grateful to have read your Belonging post today. It is time for me to invest in some Shell Essences and this is a great place to start - the ideal and perfect place to start in the times of NOW. THANK YOU! And I look forward to investing my time, energy and learning here more now. Big love and huge healing hugs Donnamarie 🐚💞🐚

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