During these rather difficult times what is actually arising from deep within us is our personal power. Even though we may believe we are being pushed by authorities into situations we don’t desire, each situation is a catalyst to discover our personal power and a new way to Be.
Now that we are perhaps sitting at home and not able to follow old repetitive patterns, we can discover within us the power of love we didn’t know we possessed. Once the dice are re-shaken new numbers appear, and we then need to discover the meaning of these new numbers.
The resilience, the caring and compassion that has lain asleep within us has awoken, and we have time to ‘think outside the square’. The old fears can begin to dissipate in the Light of love, care and compassion.
When we make a request to discover, open and create a new life outside the old patterns we have blindly followed for years or millennia, new pathways begin to open. Ideas and assistance may come from unexpected sources, and the synchronicities and opportunities can’t be ignored,

We have changed the vibration of the planet, and although the re-balancing may seen initially surreal, we are becoming aware of what really matters – the interconnectedness we share with all humanity and with our planet as a whole, which is the energy of love.