The message today is about Trust and Faith – not an easy quality during these often difficult times.
When we use our ego mind to develop trust, and attempt to believe that ‘all will be well’, often unconscious fears from previous experiences will cloud our belief, and instead bring fear and distrust.
However, when we follow our intuition, we know that all our potential problems will disappear, and the guidance we request is always available, and waiting for us to relax into peace, and gather our inner heart-felt knowledge that everything will result in the highest good of all.
To accept that our Faith and Trust is waiting within, is not always easy, as there may be many obstacles to overcome that are blocking our path – fear, self-doubt, unworthiness and old negative conditioning from the past.
These old beliefs need to be forgiven and released, and as we have moved into the higher dimensional energy that now surrounds us, the positive qualities of trust and faith are readily available.
Instead of allowing doubt to contaminate our beliefs, we need to make a habit of remembering a previous experience when we trusted and were rewarded; know that incredible wisdom and enlightenment dwells within each of us, and our intuition is the switch we can press to activate our inner Trust and Faith.
When we ask, we will receive; when we knock, the door will be opened for us, and our Trust and Faith will guide us toward the life we choose to experience.
