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"I Allow"

"I Allow"

A non-judgmental spiritual-healing energy; allowance for self and others.
  • more about I Allow

    I Allow

    I Allow brings spiritual non-judgmental understanding of the perfection which resides within us all. It encourages growth towards awareness, peace, self-knowledge, and acceptance of self and others.

    I Allow should be considered when there are imbalances of pride, self- judgment, self-hate and victim mentality.

    An excellent essence for over-anxious healers who feel they must do more for their clients due to their own need to see positive change.

    I Allow can be a useful essence to provide emotional support for rape victims who feel permanently damaged by the experience. It enables them to understand that their inner perfection is untouched.

    I Allow can be added to blends of other essences and even homoeopathics to allow a more gentle healing approach.

    I Allow is a beautiful, non-judgmental healing energy which allows us to feel our own inner perfection and to be less judgmental and more allowing for ourselves and others. 

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